Love Languages: Acts of Service

Is this your love language?

Each day this week we will share videos and tips based on the topics we will cover in our upcoming workshop. Today we examine one of the 5 Love Languages called Acts of Service. If actions speak louder than words and willing help is better than a hug, this may be your love language.

Performing Acts of Service for a loved one can be anything like washing dishes, cleaning the car, running errands or helping with a project. If this is your love language, you feel most loved when someone offers practical help with something you need done. Is there someone in your life that speaks this language? Offer to help with some of their chores or ask what they need done and if possible make time to lend a helping hand. Even if it's just folding the laundry or taking the trash out, the love you show by doing that will truly make them feel loved and appreciated.